5 Songs To Build Your Confidence

How many times have you caught yourself listening to the same old playlist while getting ready? If we were to answer that, our response would be "too many times". Getting ready is a time for you to practice self love, sing in the shower and build confidence. With that being said, here are 5 songs to add to your playlist that will allow you to do just that.
All hail the queen for blessing our ears with this song! This song was immediately added to all of our playlists for a quick confidence boost the second it came out. Connect your phone to the speaker and play this song full blast while you are getting ready to go out. You will thank us later.
Do we need to explain ourselves for this one? There is no other song that can take your confidence to the next level likel this one can. Sing the lyrics at the top of your lungs and feel the increase in your confidence!
Selena always knows how to make confidence building anthems. We highly recommend playing this song while you get ready for your next dance. When you show up wearing a dress from us, no one will be able to stop looking at you. Fitting, huh?
Ariana reached out to us and told this song will remind you that you are the main character. She's not lying! You are successful, you are beautiful, and you better be playing this song to remind yourself that!
Before you step foot out the door, you have to remind yourself that you are a strong, confident and beautiful woman! What better way to do than to listen to one of our favorite girl bosses, Doja Cat?
What are your favorite getting ready songs? Follow and DM us on instagram @ypsilondresses to let us know!